What’s Safe to Plant Around Your HVAC Unit

What’s Safe to Plant Around Your HVAC Unit

The external HVAC unit is an essential element of your home’s climate control, one that many homeowners see it as a bit of a backyard eyesore. Landscaping is a popular way to conceal your HVAC unit, but trees and bushes can significantly damage your HVAC system if not...
Heating and Cooling Options for Your Home Addition

Heating and Cooling Options for Your Home Addition

After a year of spending an enormous amount of time at home, you might be thinking, “We could use a little more space.” Whether it’s a growing family, older parents moving in, or you need space for a home office, there is a wide range of reasons why people explore...
What the New HFC Regulations Mean for Your HVAC System

What the New HFC Regulations Mean for Your HVAC System

In early May, EPA announced a move to sharply reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a major component of HVAC units, in an attempt to slow global warming. HFCs have long been decried as some of the most potent greenhouse gas emissions, and the regulation is not...
How to Add Home Equity Through HVAC Upgrades

How to Add Home Equity Through HVAC Upgrades

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies recently found through their research data that Americans are increasingly spending large amounts of money on remodeling their homes and seeing less and less in returns. They claim that over the course of the year nationwide...
How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning This Summer

How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning This Summer

Summer is here in East Tennessee. Baseball, BBQs, swimming pools, and beach trips are just around the corner, which means the temperature is about to rise significantly over the next few weeks. While our area stays moderate most of the year, the summer months can see...
Everything You Need to Know about Ductless HVAC Systems

Everything You Need to Know about Ductless HVAC Systems

If you’re looking to eke out an extra living space in an attic, garage or basement this summer, don’t think your only choices are to swelter or install a clunky window unit. A ductless cooling and heating system, also commonly known as a mini-split system, is a...