How Air Sealing Your House Can Benefit You & Your HVAC Unit

How Air Sealing Your House Can Benefit You & Your HVAC Unit

According to Energy Star, between 25 and 40 percent of the energy used to heat and cool your home is wasted through air leakage. Air leakage is just what it sounds like: places where air seeps into or out of your home through cracks and holes. In addition to causing...
Top HVAC Tips to Keep the Summer Cool

Top HVAC Tips to Keep the Summer Cool

A lot of little things can add up and make a big and positive difference for you and your family. We know how much pressure summer weather can put on your air conditioner. As anyone from our area can tell you, the climate puts serious stress on your air system. Not...
What’s Safe to Plant Around Your HVAC Unit

What’s Safe to Plant Around Your HVAC Unit

The external HVAC unit is an essential element of your home’s climate control, one that many homeowners see it as a bit of a backyard eyesore. Landscaping is a popular way to conceal your HVAC unit, but trees and bushes can significantly damage your HVAC system if not...
How to Add Home Equity Through HVAC Upgrades

How to Add Home Equity Through HVAC Upgrades

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies recently found through their research data that Americans are increasingly spending large amounts of money on remodeling their homes and seeing less and less in returns. They claim that over the course of the...
How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning This Summer

How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning This Summer

Summer is here in East Tennessee. Baseball, BBQs, swimming pools, and beach trips are just around the corner, which means the temperature is about to rise significantly over the next few weeks. While our area stays moderate most of the year, the summer months can see...
How to Choose the Best Air Filter for Your Home

How to Choose the Best Air Filter for Your Home

If you’ve made the investment to update your old, worn-out HVAC system, you understand how important air quality is for your home. But your HVAC can only be effective if you use quality air filters that match the needs of your home or business. By identifying your...