When bouts of bad weather strike—such as the snow that fell across the south late last week, including here in East Tennessee—we frequently get calls from concerned customers about their heat pumps. Fortunately, one of the most common issues we hear is not a problem at all, but just a normal function of a properly maintained heat pump.

When temperatures dip below freezing (usually somewhere between 20 and 30 degrees), heat pumps will run nearly continuously. Though this seems concerning, it’s actually by design. The heat pump is actually reaching a balancing point, where the heat needed by the home is equal to that moved by the heat pump. As the temperature falls below the balance point temperature the unit will continue to run continuously, supplemented occasionally by the backup electric coils within the unit (the same coils that are utilized if the Emergency Heat function of your system is utilized.

Heat pumps are designed to run continuously, as necessary, in order to give you as much heat as possible from the unit, minimizing the need for the use of the backup coils. So, if you hear your unit running more than usual, and the temperature is below the 30 degree mark, don’t fret! However, if your unit is running continuously in temperatures that are above freezing, that may be an issue that requires attention. If you find yourself in this situation, get in touch with us by clicking HERE and we’ll arrange for one of our expertly trained service techs to give your system a thorough inspection, address any issues, and ensure that your heat pump is functioning properly, and efficiently!